Assignment 4 feedback

Feedback on assignment

I have made most of the relevant comments on the essay itself. In many cases I have posed questions, these are for you to think about and discuss in your learning log rather than to reply to me directly. In many cases they are not meant as a value judgement but simply a question that arose during reading that I felt you should think about.

This is a good piece of work as I would expect from you. It is thoughtful, clearly and logically expressed and raises a good range of the issues central to your case. You have made good use of your chosen sources and there is a comprehensive bibliography.

At one point a Jean-Luc Goddard; the French New Wave film director; thought sprang to mind, “A film needs a beginning, middle and end but not necessarily in that order.” I think that when you are discussing the structure that makes as series of photographs a photo-essay, and you have raised the issue of the essay’s place as a work of art it is worth while questioning whether the allocating a type to the essay, documentary, instructional, fine art etc is in any way influenced by the format and/or structure or merely by the content and form. I don’t mean that was essential for you to do that in this essay but that it is yet another thing to think about!

I hope my annotations are understandable and helpful, as ever if you have any questions or comments just e-mail me.


Learning Logs/Critical essays

The blog is developing well and has much in it that is thoughtful. An interesting read.


About Amano - Photographic Studies

a student and practitioner of photography; meditator and neo-sannyasin; author and working photographer.
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